Total Control: Netserver config

Since we didn’t know the password, we flipped up dip switch 5 on the Netserver card and were then able to login to console as !root user and no password. Our firmware is:

Command> version
U.S. Robotics
Total Control (tm) NETServer Card V.34/ISDN with Frame Relay V3.8.1
  Build date: Aug 11 1998
  Build time: 13:49:21

  Network Interface Card: Ethernet & Frame Relay Combination (26)
  ISDN Interface Card   : MUNICH32 (4)
  Packet Bus Circuit    : Enhanced

I’m now setting the password with:

Command> set password serialport
!root password changed from  to serialport

and then save all

I powered off the unit, flipped dip switch 5 back down, and now I can login to the console as !root / serialport. Now to set the LAN IP:

Command> ifconfig net0 address netmask
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast mtu 1500

I then set the default gateway, and enabled default routing:

Command> set gateway
Gateway changed from to, metric = 1
Command> set default on 
Default routing changed from off (no_broadcast,no_listen) to on (broadcast,listen)

I can now ping out to other networks through the default gateway:

Command> ping is alive

After a save all and reboot , I confirmed the config has been saved and I can telnet in

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